Hi, I'm Sanudin
I'm the Full-Stack Engineer.

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About me

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a full-stack engineer based in Indonesia passionate about helping entrepreneurs to create great products.



a Face Recognition Website

It detects faces from an image link. The face detection function is from Clarifai API.
It also has login, register function.
Please try it. ⬇

Role: Full-Stack Developer

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a Keep Note web app

A simple keep note project. Build with HTML, CSS, Javascript, and React.js. It has a add note and delete function.

Role: Full-Stack Developer

See Live Source Code
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a Todo List web app

A simple todo list project. Build with HTML, CSS, Javascript, and React.js. It has add new todo function, completed function, and delete todo function.

Role: Full-Stack Developer

See Live Source Code
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a React.js Project

React.js project builds with React / React with hooks / React and redux. It lists some users from an API and gets its avatar from another API. It has a search filter for filtering the users.

Role: Full-Stack Developer

See Live Source Code
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